With the regular woodstocking® training, I always manage to relax very quickly. I feel grounded, it’s like everything’s flowing through me.. I stand there like a tree, with my feet rooted and my arms as rising branches. Often it’s the cool-down phase where I get this feeling that everything is in flow. It is then always exciting to see what new insights I can draw from the 6.5 minute exercises and from time to time also super ideas come to my mind. I have learned to follow these intuitive thoughts more and more often.
The other day I got really heavy shoulders during the warm-up at the thyroid exercise, which has the motto “I am sensitive”. It felt like there was a heavy load on my shoulders.
Following my intuitive feeling, I then internally allowed this load to divide into small packages during the organ exercise part and thus become manageable. The heaviness on the shoulders was blown away. I was very enthusiastic about this great feeling and was suddenly happy and optimistic.
In retrospect it really makes me smile, because there was another one after that. The following Monday was really bad, bad mood rolled over me, old fears that I thought I had overcome long ago came up and destroyed the wonderful feeling of being in the river.
The kidney and bladder exercises were suitable for dealing with anxiety feelings (see the woodstocking® emotion diary). During the kidney exercise – and as I said again during the cooling down phase – the realization came – unfortunately a little late – that my bad mood had spread to the shoulders due to the inner pictures as a strain. Then – as in my paintings – I changed the bad mood bit by bit and thus freed myself from it.
I am glad to be able to use this connection for myself now and will next time listen more closely to myself and see that the wave of bad mood only touches me and that I can smooth it out more quickly through inner work.
Dear greetings